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What is the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary?
Although not the first such organization, the American Legion Auxiliary is the largest patriotic women's service organization in the world. Affiliated with The American Legion and chartered by Congress in 1920, the Auxiliary is a veterans' service organization with volunteer representation in all 173 VA Medical Centers. Nearly one million Auxiliary members in nearly 11,000 American communities provide a rich and varied resource pool of ability, talent and leadership experience. The Auxiliary also sponsors the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State as a tool of educating young women responisble citizenship.
Who can join?
Eligibility is quite simple. Membership is open to female veterans and to the mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, granddaughters or great-granddaughters of American Legion members or deceased veterans who served in the Armed Forces during World Wars I and II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, and/or Lebanon conflicts, and the Persian Gulf War. Descendants of veterans (great-granddaughters, etc.) often are presented with Junior memberships at birth or during childhood through the generosity of an older relative and Auxiliary member. Many of these young women continue their membership as Senior members after they reach age 18.